Submitted manuscripts (under review)

  • Parallel Trust-Region Approaches in Neural Network Training: Beyond Traditional Methods (2023), S. Cruz, K. Trotti, A. Kopaničáková, R. Krause, Under review. [BibTeX] [Preprint]

      title = {{Parallel Trust-Region Approaches in Neural Network Training: Beyond Traditional Methods}},
      author  = {Cruz, Samuel and Trotti, Ken and Kopani{\v c}{\'a}kov{\'a}, Alena and Krause, Rolf},
  • Two-level Overlapping Additive Schwarz preconditioning for training of scientific machine-learning applications (2024), Y.Lee, A. Kopaničáková, G. Karniadakis, Under review. [BibTeX] [Preprint]

      title = {{Two-level Overlapping Additive Schwarz preconditioning for training of scientific machine-learning applications}},
      author  = {Lee Youngku and Kopani{\v c}{\'a}kov{\'a}, Alena and Karniadakis, George},
  • The limitations of a standard phase-field model in reproducing jointing in sedimentary rock layers (2024), E. Pezzuli, P. Zulian, A. Kopaničáková, R. Krause, T. Driesner, Under review. [BibTeX] [Preprint]

      title = {{The limitations of a standard phase-field model in reproducing jointing in sedimentary rock layers.}},
      author  = {Pezzuli, Edoardo and Zulian, Patrick and Kopani{\v c}{\'a}kov{\'a}, Alena and Krause, Rolf and Driesner, Thomas},
  • Two-level trust-region method with random subspaces (2024), A. Angino, A. Kopaničáková, R. Krause, Under review. [BibTeX] [Preprint]

      title = {{Two-level trust-region method with random subspaces.}},
      author  = {Angino, Andrea and Kopani{\v c}{\'a}kov{\'a}, Alena and Krause, Rolf},

Publications in peer-reviewed journals and book chapters

  • Blending neural operators and relaxation methods in PDE numerical solvers (2024), E. Zhang, A. Kahana, A. Kopaničáková, E. Turkel, R. Ranade, J. Pathak, G. Em Karniadakis, Nature Machine Intelligence [Link] [BibTeX] [Preprint]

      title={Blending neural operators and relaxation methods in PDE numerical solvers},
      author={Zhang Enrui and Kahana Adar and Kopani{\v c}{\'a}kov{\'a} Alena and Turkel Eli and Ranade Rishikesh and Pathak Jay and Karniadakis George Em},
      journal={Nature Machine Intelligence},
      doi = {10.1038/s42256-024-00910-x},
  • DeepONet Based Preconditioning Strategies for Solving Parametric Linear Systems of Equations (2024), A. Kopaničáková, G. Em Karniadakis, Accepted for publication in SISC. [Link] [BibTeX] [Preprint]

      title = {{DeepONet Based Preconditioning Strategies for Solving Parametric Linear Systems of Equations}},
      author={Kopani{\v c}{\'a}kov{\'a} Alena and Karniadakis George Em},
  • Enhancing training of physics-informed neural networks using domain-decomposition based preconditioning strategies (2023), A. Kopaničáková, H. Kothari, G. Em Karniadakis, R. Krause, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing (SISC) [Link] [BibTeX] [Preprint]

      title={Enhancing training of physics-informed neural networks using domain-decomposition based preconditioning strategies},
      author={Kopani{\v c}{\'a}kov{\'a} Alena and Kothari Hardik and Karniadakis George Em and Krause Rolf},
      journal={SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing},
      doi = {10.1137/23M1583375},
  • Multilevel Objective-Function-Free Optimization with an Application to Neural Networks Training (2023), S. Gratton, A. Kopaničáková, Ph. Toint, SIAM Journal on Optimization [Link] [BibTeX] [Preprint]

      author = {Gratton, Serge and {Kopani\v{c}\'{a}kov\'{a}}, Alena and Toint, Philippe L.},
      title = {Multilevel Objective-Function-Free Optimization with an Application to Neural Networks Training},
      journal = {SIAM Journal on Optimization},
      volume = {33},
      number = {4},
      pages = {2772-2800},
      year = {2023},
      doi = {10.1137/23M1553455},
  • Globally convergent multilevel training of deep residual networks (2023), A. Kopaničáková, R. Krause, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing [Link] [BibTeX] [Preprint]

      author  = {Kopani{\v c}{\'a}kov{\'a},  Alena and Krause, Rolf},
      title = {{G}lobally {C}onvergent {M}ultilevel {T}raining of {D}eep {R}esidual {N}etworks},
      journal = {SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing},
      volume = {0},
      number = {0},
      pages = {S254-S280},
      doi = {10.1137/21M1434076},
      year = {2022},
  • Nonlinear field-split preconditioners for solving monolithic phase-field models of brittle fracture (2023), A. Kopaničáková, H. Kothari, R. Krause, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering [Link] [BibTeX] [Preprint]

        title={Nonlinear field-split preconditioners for solving monolithic phase-field models of brittle fracture},
        author={Kopani{\v c}{\'a}kov{\'a}, Alena and Kothari, Hardik and Krause, Rolf},
        journal={Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering},
  • A Phase-Field Approach to Pneumatic Fracture (2022), C. Bilgen, A. Kopaničáková, R. Krause, K. Weinberg, Non-standard Discretisation Methods in Solid Mechanics [Link] [BibTeX] [Preprint]

      author="Bilgen, Carola and Kopani{\v c}{\'a}kov{\'a},  Alena and Krause, Rolf and Weinberg, Kerstin",
      editor="Schr{\"o}der, J{\"o}rg and Wriggers, Peter",
      title="A Phase-Field Approach to Pneumatic Fracture",
      bookTitle="Non-standard Discretisation Methods in Solid Mechanics",
  • Large scale simulation of pressure induced phase‐field fracture propagation using Utopia (2021), P. Zulian*, A. Kopaničáková*, M. Nestola, N. Fadel, A. Fink, J. VandeVondele, R. Krause, CCF Transactions on High Performance Computing [Link] [BibTeX] [Preprint]

      author = {Zulian{*}, Patrick and {Kopani{\v{c}}{\'a}kov{\'a}*},  Alena and Nestola, Maria G C and Fadel, Nur and Fink, Andreas and VandeVondele, Joost and Krause, Rolf},
      title = {Large scale simulation of pressure induced phase‐field fracture propagation using {U}topia},
      journal = {CCF Transactions on High Performance Computing},
      year = {2021},
      doi = {10.1007/s42514-021-00069-6},
  • Efficient Identification of Scars using Heterogeneous Model Hierarchies. (2021), F. Chegini, A. Kopaničáková, R. Krause, M. Weiser, EP Europace [Link] [BibTeX] [Preprint]

        author={Chegini, Fatemeh and {Kopani{\v{c}}{\'{a}}kov{\'{a}}},  Alena and Krause, Rolf and Weiser, Martin},
        title={Efficient Identification of Scars using Heterogeneous Model Hierarchies},
        journal={EP Europace},
        publisher={Oxford University Press},
  • A detailed investigation of the model influencing parameters of the phase-field fracture approach. (2020), C. Bilgen, A. Kopaničáková, R. Krause, K. Weinberg, GAMM-Mitteilungen [Link] [BibTeX] [Preprint]

        author  = {Bilgen, Carola and {Kopani{\v{c}}{\'{a}}kov{\'{a}}},  Alena and Krause, Rolf and Weinberg, Kerstin},
        title   = {{A} detailed investigation of the model influencing parameters of the phase-field fracture approach.},
        publisher={Wiley Online Library},
  • Recursive multilevel trust region method with application to fully monolithic phase-field models of brittle fracture (2020), A. Kopaničáková, R. Krause, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering [Link] [BibTeX] [Preprint]

      author  = {{Kopani{\v{c}}{\'{a}}kov{\'{a}}},  Alena and Krause, Rolf},
      title   = {{R}ecursive multilevel trust region method with application to fully monolithic phase-field models of brittle fracture.},
      journal={Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering},
  • Subdivision-Based Nonlinear Multiscale Cloth Simulation (2019), A. Kopaničáková, R. Krause, R. Tamstorf, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing [Link] [BibTeX] [Preprint]

      author  = {{Kopani{\v c}{\'a}kov{\'a}},  Alena and Krause, Rolf and Tamstorf, Rasmus},
      title = {Subdivision-Based Nonlinear Multiscale Cloth Simulation},
      journal = {SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing},
      volume = {41},
      number = {5},
      pages = {S433-S461},
      year = {2019},
      doi = {10.1137/18M1194870},
      URL = {},
  • A phase-field approach to conchoidal fracture (2017), C. Bilgen, A. Kopaničáková, R. Krause, K. Weinberg, Meccanica [Link] [BibTeX] [Preprint]

      author  = {Bilgen, Carola and {Kopani{\v c}{\'a}kov{\'a}},  {A}lena and Krause, Rolf and Weinberg, Kerstin},
      title   = {{A} phase-field approach to conchoidal fracture},
      journal = {Meccanica},
      year    = {2017},
      pages   = {1--17},     

Publications in peer-reviewed conference proceedings

  • On the use of hybrid coarse-level models in multilevel minimization methods (2024), A. Kopaničáková, Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXVII [Link] [BibTeX] [Preprint]

      title={On the use of hybrid coarse-level models in multilevel minimization methods},
      author={Alena Kopaničáková},
      booktitle={International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods},
  • Nonlinear Schwarz preconditioning for nonlinear optimization problems with bound constraints (2024), H. Kothari, A. Kopaničáková, R. Krause, Accepted for publication in Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXVII [Link] [BibTeX] [Preprint]

      title={Nonlinear {S}chwarz preconditioning for nonlinear optimization problems with bound constraints},
      author={Hardik Kothari and Alena Kopaničáková and Rolf Krause},
      booktitle={International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods},
  • A Multigrid Preconditioner for Jacobian-free Newton-Krylov Methods (2023), H. Kothari, A. Kopaničáková, R. Krause, Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXVI [Link] [BibTeX] [Preprint]

      author="Kothari, Hardik
              and Kopani{\v{c}}{\'a}kov{\'a}, Alena
              and Krause, Rolf",
      editor="Brenner, Susanne C.
              and Chung, Eric
              and Klawonn, Axel
              and Kwok, Felix
              and Xu, Jinchao
              and Zou, Jun",
      title="A Multigrid Preconditioner for Jacobian-free Newton--Krylov Methods",
      booktitle="Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXVI",
      publisher="Springer International Publishing",
  • Multilevel Active-Set Trust-Region (MASTR) Method for Bound Constrained Minimization (2023), A. Kopaničáková, R. Krause, Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXVI [Link] [BibTeX] [Preprint]

      author="Kopani{\v{c}}{\'a}kov{\'a}, Alena
              and Krause, Rolf",
      editor="Brenner, Susanne C.
              and Chung, Eric
              and Klawonn, Axel
              and Kwok, Felix
              and Xu, Jinchao
              and Zou, Jun",
      title="{M}ultilevel {A}ctive-{S}et {T}rust-{R}egion {(MASTR)} {M}ethod for {B}ound {C}onstrained {M}inimization}",
      booktitle="Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXVI",
      publisher="Springer International Publishing",
  • Quantitative Analysis of Nonlinear Multifidelity Optimization for Inverse Electrophysiology (2023), F. Chegini, A. Kopaničáková, R. Krause, M. Weiser, Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXVI [Link] [BibTeX] [Preprint]

      author="Chegini Fatemeh
              and Kopani{\v{c}}{\'a}kov{\'a}, Alena
              and Krause, Rolf
              and Weiser, Martin",
      editor="Brenner, Susanne C.
              and Chung, Eric
              and Klawonn, Axel
              and Kwok, Felix
              and Xu, Jinchao
              and Zou, Jun",
      title="Quantitative Analysis of Nonlinear Multifidelity Optimization for Inverse Electrophysiology",
      booktitle="Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXVI",
      publisher="Springer International Publishing",
  • Training of residual networks with stochastic MG/Opt (2021), C. von Planta, A. Kopaničáková, R. Krause, ICML 2021 Workshop Beyond First Order Methods in Machine Learning [Link] [BibTeX] [Preprint]

      title={Training of residual networks with stochastic {MG}/{O}pt},
      author={von Planta, Cyrill and {Kopani{\v{c}}{\'a}kov{\'a}}, Alena and Krause, Rolf},
      booktitle={ICML 2021 Workshop: Beyond First Order Methods in Machine Learning},
  • Multilevel minimization for deep residual networks (2021), L. Gaedke-Merzhauser*, A. Kopaničáková*, R. Krause, ESAIM Proceedings [Link] [BibTeX] [Preprint]

      title={Multilevel minimization for deep residual networks},
      author={Gaedke-Merzh{\"a}user*, Lisa and Kopani{\v{c}}{\'a}kov{\'a}*,  Alena and Krause, Rolf},
      booktitle={In ESAIM Proceedings and Surveys},
  • A Multilevel Approach to Training (2020), V. Braglia*, A. Kopaničáková*, R. Krause, ICML 2020 Workshop Beyond First Order Methods in Machine Learning [Link] [BibTeX] [Preprint]

        title={A Multilevel Approach to Training},
        author={Braglia*, Vanessa and Kopani{\v{c}}{\'a}kov{\'a}*,  Alena and Krause, Rolf},
        booktitle={ICML 2020 Workshop: Beyond First Order Methods in Machine Learning},
  • A phase-field approach to pneumatic fracture (2017), C. Bilgen, A. Kopaničáková, R. Krause, K. Weinberg, PAMM [Link] [BibTeX] [Preprint]

      author        = {Bilgen, Carola and Kopani{\v c}{\'a}kov{\'a},  Alena and Krause, Rolf and Weinberg, Kerstin},
      title         = {{A} phase-field approach to pneumatic fracture},
      booktitle       = {{PAMM}},
      year          = {2017},
      volume        = {17},
      number        = {1},
      pages         = {71-74},
      doi           = {10.1002/pamm.201710022},
  • Gesture recognition using DTW and its application potential in human-centered robotics (2013), A. Kopaničáková, M. Vircikova, P. Sincak, Proceedings of the 13th Scientific Conference of Young Researchers of Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics Technical University of Košice [Link] [BibTeX] [Preprint]

        title={Gesture recognition using {D}{T}{W} and its application potential in human-centered robotics},
        author={{K}opani{\v{c}}{\'a}kov{\'a}, Alena and Vir{\v{c}}{\'\i}kov{\'a}, M{\'a}ria and Sin{\v{c}}\'ak, Peter},
        booktitle={Proceedings of the 13th Scientific Conference of Young Researchers of Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
      Technical University of Ko\v{s}ice},
